Happy Birthday to Mich

Yet another friend of mine celebrating her birthday....this time its Mich's turn..hmm...knowing her again...less than 1 month...lol...she is a friendly gal...she talk a lot especially during photograhy session...and she is a cheerful gal.....hehe....so happy to have a friend like you....anyhow...happy birthday to ya...

***Its Mich and I...taken at Izzi earlier...***

What a Saturday....and now its sunday and tomorrow its MONDAY....haih~~can monday be taken off?hehe...anyway...enjoy your Sundays ya!!!

4 junks:

Eileen said...

Happy Birthday Mich! Aiks, when everyone so fast one? Haha Mich with the cool guy with a very cool playboy tee which I really like! I mean the tee, wukakaka

SilverIsle said...


Everyone is very fast. I can't do anything yet although I went back earlier. Cause I was too lazy to take photos last night. =P

Anywayz, happy birthday Mich!

Novemberbabe said...

Mich here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
late is okie...at least u all wish me wakakaaakaaaaaa :P

hIEw~~ said...

[eileen]the tee and the guy also cool la..hehe

[silverilse]hehe...its ok..ur face gonna featured in lots of blog...btw nice 2 meet ya
