Clare Kwok Jing's Showcase in New Era

Thanks to Rames, I manage to attend to a Zohan premiere yesterday and this movie eventually rated as "U" which is not really that "Umum" lo...but all I can say is, please go and watch and you will know...

Last Friday, Hung Wei invited me to go for Clare Kwok Jing's showcase in New Era College and the entrance fee is just RM2, damn cheap right?hehe

Anyhow, lets enjoy the pics...

***Clare is having a chat with the new MY FM DJ, Nicholas...Nick ask her about her recently where about and her album as well..hehe***

***The student of New Era College knew it was her birthday and gave her a birthday cake to celebrate her belated birthday...hehe***

***I so like this picture when she was wishing her birthday wish***

***This is the nearest shot that I could get as she walk towards the students to shake their hands...LOL

***Coming up next....hehe....who is that?***

Ops...its almost 10am now.....better back to work now...hehe

1 junks:

Anonymous said...

hey!when she came here o , y i dun know ke?